Work and Life
Compatibility of Work and Life
HZB supports its employees in the challenges of balancing work and private life. This support is offered in the form of extensive opportunities for flexible workplaces and times (teleworking, mobile working), numerous part-time models and a comprehensive programme of events.

The Office for Work and Life (short: OWL) is a confidential internal point of contact for all employees of HZB. What part-time opportunities do I have? How can I prepare for nursing responsibilities I will soon have? What do I need to consider for my pregnancy? You will receive the answers to these and all other questions you may have about work/life balance.
If you would like even more comprehensive advice, you can also turn to our external consultancy benefit@work. They give information and competent advice about topics like children, nursing and life phases.
The family-friendly corporate culture at HZB has already been officially accredited since 2011 by the Career and Family audit – an initiative of the non-profit Hertie Foundation.
Health Promotion
The health of our employees is important to us! It is the goal of our company health management (BGM) to make the working conditions beneficial to health and to support our employees in doing something actively and consciously for their health. Part of the BGM is health promotion, e.g. by regular health days on topics such as back and eye health or workshops on mindfulness or ergonomics in mobile working. Another regular favourite of HZB employees is the Berlin company runs.
HZB is also a part of the Health Network Adlershof (link!), which, in cooperation with TK Health Insurance, offers “inter-company health management” for the science, economics and media location Berlin Adlershof and is open to all employees.
In addition, friends and family of HZB can take part in various sports (e.g. badminton, Pilates, yoga or volleyball) within the Sports Club (BSG, Betriebssportgemeinschaft Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin e.V.). The BSG currently has around 200 members.
Food and Drink

While the Adlershof campus offers a diverse range of cafés and restaurants within walking distance, the campus in Wannsee has its own canteen that offers a varied lunch menu as well as snacks, salads and in-between meals. Alongside the experienced chefs, our trainees also flex their cooking skills. On special theme days, HZB employees contribute to a highly diversified cuisine with their favourite recipes from around the world.
Of course, coffee aficionados get their money’s worth at both locations. Again, HZB is doing its bit for sustainability: in addition to the range of organic and fair trade coffee, we have stopped using disposable cups. Employees can buy a returnable cup and swap it out if ever they need to.

HZB supports the environmentally friendly use of public transport and subsidizes the job ticket with 25 euros per month. In addition, the S-Bahn Berlin grants a discount of 8 euros per month. Trainees receive a subsidy of 15 euros for the VBB-Abo Azubi upon application.
There are also charging stations for electric cars at both HZB sites. Bicyclists are also supported: HZB offers regular bicycle safety checks. Bicycle repair stations are also available to our employees in both Wannsee and Adlershof.
Sozialwerk Bund
All employees of HZB can become members of Sozialwerk.Bund, which offers diverse attractive social services in various areas: family recreation; parent–child health resort visits; senior groups; children’s and youth camps in Germany, Spain and Italy; youth language trips; and group and individual trips at exclusive special prices.