Technology Transfer Price
For outstanding achievements in the field of technology transfer, the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin awards a prize every two years: The Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin Technology Transfer Prize is associated with a total prize money of 10,000 euros.
Technology transfer means translating innovation from research and development into new commercial services, processes and products. With this award, HZB wants to acknowledge and promote the achievements of employees or former employees who have made an important contribution to the technology transfer. A jury independent of the HZB evaluates the submitted projects and selects the award winner.
The decisive criteria are the degree of the innovation and the market potential of the project. To assess the market potential, the jury will consider the following sub-criteria: application perspectives, industrial projects, patents, concluded industrial contracts, industrial revenues and spin-offs.
Technology transfer at the HZB offers individual cooperation opportunities for the business world.
Presentation of the HZB Technology Transfer Award 2023

On October 4th, the Technology Transfer Prize 2023 was awarded to the best innovation project from HZB.