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Directors Office

Name Phone number Email
Hasselberg, Dr. Antje 8062 - 42340 antje.hasselberg@helmholtz-berlin.de Head of Office, Authorised Signatory, Board of Supervisors, Board of Associates, Appointments, Initiative and Networking Fund
Reichardt, Dr. Gerd 8062 - 42640
8062 - 14989
gerd.reichardt@helmholtz-berlin.de Project Management Office, JointLabs, Joint Research Groups
Vauterin, Dr. Michaela 8062 - 43770 michaela.vauterin@helmholtz-berlin.de Board of Directors
Dufloux, Dr. Cécile 8062 - 43833 cecile.dufloux@helmholtz-berlin.de Promotion of Young Scientists, Helmholtz Information & Data Science Academy
Green, Dr. Sonja 8062 - 43839 sonja.green@helmholtz-berlin.de Scientific Advisory Council
Spiegel, Dr., MBA Katharina 8062 - 43826
8062 - 12956
katharina.spiegel@helmholtz-berlin.de Scientific-Technical Council
Freire Anselmo, Dr. Ana Sofia 8062 - 14824
8062 - 42836
ana.anselmo@helmholtz-berlin.de International Officer
Hoog Antink, Dr. Marieke 8062 - 42522 marieke.hoog_antink@helmholtz-berlin.de Officer for Administration, Boards and Councils
Schmid, Dr. Nicole 8062 - 14814 nicole.schmid@helmholtz-berlin.de Head of Working Group Young Scienfic Talents
Scherfer, Dr. Christoph 8062 - 43023
8062 - 13470
christoph.scherfer@helmholtz-berlin.de Postdoc-Coordination
Hendriks, Dr. Kitty 8062 - 43268
8062 - 13188
kitty.hendriks@helmholtz-berlin.de PhD- and Graduation Centre
Gruber, Julia 8062 - 42658 julia.gruber@helmholtz-berlin.de Project officer