Virtual tours of the Adlershof site
Tours through the accelerator: Follow the path of light

Start your tour in the control room
Have you always wanted to walk through an accelerator? Then let's get started! The two tours "The Path of Light" and "The Experiment" start in the control room of BESSY II. Continue to the place where electrons race through and emit light at almost the speed of light - the storage ring tunnel. Follow the light and see how we experiment with it.
Virtual Tour BESSY IIVirtual tour of CAT@EMIL
The CAT laboratory is devoted to research on catalysts and catalytic reactions under ambient pressure conditions. The scientific aim is to study the electronic surface/near surface structure of functional materials in the presence of a reactive environment. This includes both gas/solid interfaces (e.g. heterogeneous catalysis) and liquid/solid interfaces (e.g. catalytic water splitting).
CAT@EMIL is operated by research groups of the Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (Berlin) and the Max-Planck-Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion (Mülheim a. d. Ruhr).
Virtual Tour CatLab@EMILMore panoramas
Some of the HZB's research facilities can be visited as 360 degree panoramas. These panoramas do not contain any explanations and are mainly available to our researchers and cooperation partners for guided tours or lectures.
360 Degree Panoramas